Cauliflower has had its hay day in the ‘pizza crust’ world…but what about its flavorful cousin broccoli?  We experimented (without parchment paper — hope you have some!) and what we came up with was pretty damn delicious! BROC ON! Yield: 2 • 2 Tear packets of Gnarly Pepper Veggie Dip (1 whole packet + 2 …

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Cooked some Halibut for the Hell-of-it! Dieting?-NO. Change of pace?-YES. And my OH MY was it delicious! We purchased Orca Bay frozen halibut with only 3 filets for $16.99. Pretty high, but I tell ya what, when I opened the sealed package, NO FISHY SMELL! After cooked it was flaked to perfection, and the Gnarly …

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